terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2010

Sharlene identity + connection.

Bernice Friesen created an identity to her character Sharlene by showing us her dream of running away to Europe and being independent for a while before going to University, also by showing us her problems with her father that would never allow her to do that sort of travel. But the best way of making a strong identity for Sharlene was by her relationship and actions towards her brother, because even though as a little sister she likes to annoy him, in the very end she shows that she would support him no matter what, which is a very nice attitude that shows her values. I could really connect to her in a very interesting way because of her dream of going to a different country and living new experiences before start building an actual career because that is exactly what I am doing here in Canada and thus I could truly understand why she felt like that.

Um comentário:

  1. I like the connection you made with Sharlene to yourself in the sense of her wanting to travel and experience new things and and to adapt to different environments, and how this is what you want to do yourself.

    I like how you related Sharlene's identity of wanting to be independent through her desire of not wanting to do what her Dad wants her to do after she graduates, but what she wants to do.

    You gave good evidence from the story to Sharlene's identity through the example of her relationship with Greg, and the way that they treat and care for each other.

    Praise: You connected Sharlene's character back to yourself really well.

    Ponder: What is your favourite thing about travelling and experiencing new cultures?

    Polish: Maybe give another example of what Sharlene 'values'.

