quarta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2010
terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010
Oral Presentation Reflection
2) What did you learn about working in groups? Explain.
It can be harder than working on your own because you have different opinions to deal with, and that makes some steps longer than they would be if made individually. But it can also be helpful to have support and someone to talk to about your ideas, because sometimes other people may add a lot to your initial thought.
3) Overall, something important that I have learned is... Because.
It is extremely important to be in the right group, and that makes a lot of difference in the final product. Having someone that you can trust that will do their share of the work just makes you feel more relaxed and that sometimes even lead to fun breaks and jokes during the time you are working on the assignment, making it easier to feel good about what you are doing instead of wishing you were somewhere else, and it's really noticeable in the presentations who enjoyed working on their project and who didn't.
4) Something that I noticed that I need to work on for next time is... Because.
I need to make it clear that I'm not only available but also that I actually want to help, because some members of our group (including myself) are really perfectionist and tend to try to do as much as they can by themselves so that it can be exactly the way they imagined it which may sometimes result in a great work, but not always in a fair division of the tasks.
5) Overall something that I am proud of is... Because.
I'm really proud of how we turned something that could have been boring (we had to work during the weekend) in something that was fun and not so serious, but at the same time we dedicated enough time and effort to make it the best it could be. That way we felt like the task was easier and at the same time I believe we will get a good mark for our video.
6) If you were to divide a pie with the % work each group member contributed, how would you divide up your pie, including yourself.
I would have to say that Katie ended up with most of the work (the project was in her computer) so I would give her 35%, Yuki have helped a lot making the puppets, so 25%, Maddy and I have basically had the same amount of work, therefore 20% for each one of us.
sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2010
Macbeth - Scenes 1.6 & 1.7
My understanding of the scenes so far and why we have planned to use the EQ's that we have chosen.
The first scene we are presenting is scene 6 in act one, it's a very short scene, but it's also very important to the play because it shows that Lady Macbeth is completely capable of lying to the king without any remorse. When they meet in the castle where she lives with Macbeth, she is very graceful and respectful, exactly what the king would expect from his hostess, but in her mind the plan to kill him is very clear and welcoming him so nicely is just the first step to it. For this act we choose the EQ: "What is integrity?" because Lady Macbeth's lack of it is just absurd.
Our second is scene 7 still in act 1 and it's by itself a pivotal moment in the story, is in that scene that Macbeth is so confused that he has to leave a banquet in honour of the king to take some air and think of what he's about to do. After a moment thinking about Duncan, how he is a great king and trusts Macbeth, he decides not to proceed with the plan, and the story would have been completely different if Lady Macbeth hadn't interrupted him. She comes to check on him and as soon as she understands that he is getting cold feet, she accuses him of cowardice and unmanliness, with some strong arguments she finally convince him of stick with the plan. Because of Macbeth's confusion and how nervous he is, plus the fact that "his" final decision is not even his decision at all, we selected the EQ: "How do we deal with conflicting elements within our personalities".
domingo, 7 de novembro de 2010
comment to conflicting...
quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010
Response to Macbeth - First Act
How do we deal with conflicting elements within our personality?
Every individual has a single personality, some have a very strong well defined one and others have a more malleable kind that can sometimes be adjusted to fit the situation or other people around, this malleability can be good or bad. Its good when the person uses it to fit in and be able to help someone or get something out of it, but it can be dangerous when the person's lack of personality let this person susceptible to being controlled by others. Particularly in Macbeth, he had a really hard decision to make, he could kill the king to become the next one or he could choose not to have blood in his hands. In the beginning of the play I think Macbeth was a pretty loyal and honourable man, so I believe that the person who was corrupting his mind was his wife Lady Macbeth, who was really ambitious and wanted power for her husband and herself. Even though Macbeth was controlled by his wife I don’t think this means his personality was not strong or that he wasn’t noble, the problem here is that he really loved his wife and thus tried to do what she desired the most. In the end this conflict inside him was so big, so strong that it led him to madness, but before that we could notice that he couldn’t sleep anymore or concentrate in anything. That shows how dangerous playing with other people’s feelings and values can be.
quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2010
About Loyalty
-Reasons for the existence of the term: we needed a word to express a noble feeling that we have towards our friends and things that we love or find important.
-Ways to get it: being a good friend and treating others well, having a lot of power, having a lot in common with someone. You can actually buy it, but when acquired like that it is much more fragile and fake.
-Ways to maintain it: you can maintain it being loyal yourself and always being in contact with people who you would like to keep a strong bond.
-Ways one could use it: loyalty can be used to create groups to make it easier to achieve common goals, like in a team, or an organization.
-Ways one could lose it: loyalty is hard to get, but very easy to lose. If you don't demonstrate interest in the relationship and don't show that you are just as loyal as the other person you are possibly going to get more distance between you two.
-How it affects people: it feels great to find that someone is really loyal to you because you know that you can always trust that person, so we always seek loyalty. It's also good to be loyal to someone, feel that a person needs you, feel helpful.
-Anything else you can think of: there are cases of unconditional loyalty, specially with pets.
-How your term is connected with another: as I have mentioned it, power can bring you the loyalty from a lot of people very easily, but then again this kind of loyalty is much more fragile than the one that is mutual and between friends.
sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2010
Response to "The Charmer"
The Charmer begins introducing us to two young siblings Winnifred and Zachary, and at this time our little main character knew so little about life that she could not understand how manipulative her brother was. Later on everyone starts to slowly notice who Zack really was and Winnifred feels like she has been her brother's slave without knowing it, which shows us how her knowledge changed her point of view about someone she used to worship. After a tragedy that happens in the family it becomes evident that the boy is too spoiled and selfish and he has to leave the house and follow his own way. Years after all of that our leading character has already had children of her own and one of them starts to show some resemblance to how Zack used to behave to get whatever he wanted, but now, knowing exactly how terrible can the consequences be for not imposing some limits to your kids Winnifred can take a stand and handle the sitution better than her mother did back then. Her mother could not deal with what she had lost and started getting senile earlier than it would be consider normal and kept saying "Too late, too late" in the end when our main character is about to make a mistake she changes her mind because now she knows better after all she witnessed " I looked at her, listened to her, and longed to hold her in my arms and whisper consolation. But somewhere in the back of my head, I could hear a voice shouting, 'Too late, too late!' ".
Response to "Just Lather, That's All"
In this specific short story we had a lot of elements to answer this question, the barber for instance have witnessed what the man that came to his shop did to his allies, he have watched they being killed and mutilated therefore he could not have any simpathy for that man, on the other hand his job showed him that he should always be professional no matter what and never discriminate his clients. Deep down he also knew he was not a killer. The man that came to his shop also have had some important experiences and learnt to consider the rebels as being the villains in that situation, so he probably didn't think that what he was doing was wrong at all, but all his experience in chasing and killing people made him brave enough to go and face the barber that he knew from what he had heard around the town, could potentially kill him.
terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2010
Sharlene identity + connection.
sábado, 3 de julho de 2010
Então é isso, vou deletar tudo. E tentar começar com o pé direito.
Pretendo postar coisas sobre a minha viajem de intercâmbio, afinal vai durar um ano e com certeza em algum momento vou ficar entediado no Canadá (eu já to agora, e olha que entrei de férias a menos de uma semana). Mas o que eu colocar aqui vai ser o que me der na cabeça mesmo, porque eu não sou muito bom em começar coisas... Ano passado tentei fazer um diário. Foi legal na primeira semana... Depois eu fui arrastando por mais 3 meses até que vi que era um inferno viver o dia inteiro e depois ter que escrever o que eu vivi... Foi o que senti com o blog. Sabe quando você pega alguma coisa e diz: "nossa parecia tão melhor na minha cabeça"?
A partir de agora vou começar meus posts de verdade, mas sem pressa. Sinta-se livre pra ler, ou não.
PS: O nome do blog pra quem está se perguntando (se é que alguém leu isso) é por causa da minha viagem, pra qual estou em contagem regressiva.